Rigifoam Superior Rigid Foam Products

Recognized in the industry as the leading manufacturer of high quality polyurethane products.

RIGIFOAM was established in 2000 with its head office located at 3 Detroit Street, Apex, Benoni. We are already recognized in the industry as the leading manufacturer of high quality polyurethane products. Our range of products include profiled polyurethane foam, 2 component urethane systems and LAMBDABOARD. The manufacturing process is composed of personnel with good skills.

In 2009 we received our ISO 9001 accreditation with international company DQS. Our ability to control the production process is good as evidenced by our reputation for quality products.

Because of our small size (compared to local based multi-national competitors), RIGIFOAM has capabilities to limit competition, especially for our new products, so we intend to compete on a cost leadership basis. Alternatively, our small size, good profitability and strong technical expertise allow us considerable freedom to act independently.

RIGIFOAM has a strong commitment to the marketplace and we are confident we have the ability to maintain growth in the polyurethane/insulation business, develop and market laminated products as a highly differentiated product.

Aerial image | Source: Google Maps

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